I know there's a lot of hubbub about the royal wedding in England
today. Did you know there will be another royal wedding. One with the
King of Kings and Lord of Lords.Are you ready for that day? Will you be a
part of that bride? There are things you must do to at least be in the
running to be chosen by Jesus to be in His bride. Remember it's
ultimately His choice, but there are things we can do here to help get
us in the database, as my pastor says.
To become
eligible to be a part of Jesus' bride, we must first be in His family.
Some people think everyone is a child of God, but that's not true. In
John 3, Jesus shared with Nicodemus what it takes to become a part of
God's family. You must be born again. That which is born of flesh is
flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Our physical birth
is a fleshly or humanly birth. Our being born again is our spiritual
birth. You'll know when you're being convicted by God; however, don't
confuse or dismiss the conviction as judgment. Give in to the conviction
by accepting Jesus. Asking for the forgiveness from the only One who
can give it to you. By doing that, you will be acknowledging Jesus as
Lord of Lords and King of Kings. You will become a part of the family of
Next you should following Jesus in baptism.
Matthew 3:16 says Jesus came straigthway out of the water after He was
baptized. Baptism is not a sprinkling of water. It is a complete
submersion in water. It is an outward sign of your commitment to follow
Christ in your life. It's a picture of Jesus' death {dying to your old
self}, burial {full submersion in water}, and resurrection {newness of
spiritual life}.
You need to become a part of a local
church and be actively involved in His work. Hebrews 10:25 states that
we should not forsake (or desert) assembling together. You need to have a
true desire to be with your church family to worship and glean from one
another. It's the place you come together with people who are
like-minded in their worship of God. In the church the Lord lead you
too, you need to find your work. What your work is will be determined by
God. You need to study, pray and listen to His leading in order to find
out what your ministry is. We are all called to work in His service.
There are all kinds of ministries, and I'm not talking about preaching
and teaching only. All types of work is needed to be done in our
churches and mission fields.
Now you're eligible to be chosen of Jesus for His bride when the time comes. What a royal wedding that will be!
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